Palestine Relief
Humanitarian Assistance
Dry Ration Food
to Families
Hot Meals to
Thousands Daily
Sponsoring Medical Clinics
serving thousands weekly
Palestine Relief
The harsh reality that the people of Palestine, and especially Gaza are enduring is heart breaking. Hidaya is working with partner organizations for food and medical assistance and widow and orphan support.
To date, we have been able to fund over 4 million meals and over 100,000 medical patients in Gaza with our donors’ help.
Hidaya has been supporting 3 kitchens and 5 medical clinics in Gaza serving tens of thousands of people daily. The 3 kitchens give about 12,000 meals each day, with each kitchen giving out about 4,000 meals daily to populations that mostly do not have any other source of food. The 5 medical clinics serve up to 25,000 patients each month, with each clinic serving 4,000 to 5,000 patients each month. The numbers spike during regional bombing situations, and disease outbreak incidents.
Current efforts include:
Cooked Meals: We are sponsoring 3 kitchens and serving about 12,000 meals daily. It costs about $1.50 per meal.
Dry Ration Food: We are distributing dry ration food in Ramadan to families, it costs about $50 per package for a family.
Medical Clinics: We are sponsoring 5 medical clinics capable of serving up to 10,000 patients each month. It costs about $15,000 per month to support a medical clinic.
The road to rebuilding will be very difficult. Please join us in our efforts to continue supporting innocent civilian families in need.