Job Skills Training
Assist the poor to acquire new skills
Job Skills Training
To date, Hidaya has trained over 4,000 students at Hidaya’s Sewing Center, nearly 3,000 students at Hidaya’s Driving School, and thousands more to attain literacy with Adult Education classes!
For an individual or a family to survive in today’s competitive environment, some type of job skills training is required. Hidaya Foundation recognizes this need and encourages people to learn to help themselves. Underprivileged individuals are financially supported when attending Job Skills Training classes sponsored by Hidaya while they may learn a trade from which they can earn stable income. This type of project assists families to break out of the perpetual poverty cycle and improve their overall quality of life.
Types of Job Skills Training include:
- Sewing
- Driving Lessons
- Automobile & Tractor
- Electrician
- Gardening
- Painting
- Carpentry
- Masonry
- Plumbing
Women who take classes at Hidaya Sewing Center are given sewing machines upon graduating via Small Businesses for the Poor project
Adult Education
The spread of basic general education among poor, rural populations is one of Hidaya’s priorities.
Illiteracy is not only a concern for the young but also among adults. The true value of education throughout a family or community will be realized when the people who make up the community are educated themselves. Hidaya strives to teach adults basic education such as reading, writing, basic arithmetic, basic farming techniques and more. Adult students are able to attend fast-paced courses which give them an education level up to the 8th grade in just 6 months. Please donate for these efforts, your donations will go a long way to build a bright future for the next generations in poor countries.
Some students who study under our Adult Education class also attend Hidaya Institute of Farming and Agriculture, where they learn farming practices which will help them support their families.
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