No Orphan Without Education

Who would deny the orphans?

2020 Report


In 2020, Hidaya merged the No Orphan without Education project with the Widow/Orphan Support project for efficiency purposes.  Please see here for latest reports.

2019 Report


In 2019, Hidaya supported nearly 10,000 orphans with monthly assistance in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Guinea, and Cameroon.

2018 Report


In 2018, Hidaya supported over 9,300 orphans in 6 countries with monthly assistance (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Guinea, Cameroon)

2017 Report

The following graph indicates the number of orphans supported each month by Hidaya in 2017.

Note – fluctuation and reduction in number of orphans has to do with Hidaya team members monitoring orphans and their families and making adjustments due to ages of orphans, their attendance in schools (which is a stipulation of receiving assistance) and conditions of families.  Orphans are supported in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Cameroon, and Guinea.
Last Update: February 27, 2018.

2016 Report

The following graph indicates the number of orphans supported each month by Hidaya in 2016.

Note – fluctuation and reduction in number of orphans has to do with Hidaya team members monitoring orphans and their families and making adjustments due to ages of orphans, their attendance in schools (which is a stipulation of receiving assistance) and conditions of families.

Last Update: February 13, 2017.

2014 Report

The following graph indicates the number of orphans supported each month by Hidaya in 2014.

Note – fluctuation and reduction in number of orphans has to do with Hidaya team members following up and checking attendance of orphans in schools. When found that they are not attending, their stipends are cut-off until they return to regular attendance of classes.

Last Update: January 14, 2015.

2013 Report

The following graph indicates the number of orphans supported each month by Hidaya in 2013.

Last Update: January 21, 2014.

2012 Report

Hidaya supports orphans each month. The following graph indicates the number of orphans supported monthly by Hidaya so far in 2012.

Last Update: January 22, 2013.

2011 Report

Hidaya is currently supporting thousands of orphans each month. The following graph indicates the number of orphans supported monthly by Hidaya in 2011.

Last Update: January 18, 2012.

2010 Report

Hidaya is currently supporting thousands of orphans and their widowed mothers each month in 2010. The following graph indicates the number of orphans supported by Hidaya.

Last Update: Aug 10, 2011.

2009 Report

In the year 2009 Hidaya provided support for over 2,000 orphans and their widowed mothers. The following graph indicates the month-to-month breakdown of orphans supported by Hidaya in 2009.

Last update: January 18, 2010

2008 Report

No Orphan without Education

1,303 Orphans and 542 widowed Mothers / Guardians are currently receiving stipends every month from $33 to $84 depending on family size.
School tuition and exam fee will continue to be paid by Hidaya directly to the school.
In-kind items such as uniforms, shoes, books and stationary will be purchased and given to orphans time to time during the year.
Approximately 10% of the orphans are attending basic computer classes at Hidaya which include windows, word, exel and power point.

Future Plans:

  • Installation of Water Hand Pumps at the homes of Orphans who do not currently have access to water in their home.
  • Improve the current monitoring system to minimize school dropout of Orphan students.
  • Provide Qard-e-Hasana and training to Orphans who never attended school and are now reaching adulthood.
  • Arrange separate classes for adult literacy for Orphans who never attended school and are now reaching adulthood.
  • Provide vocational training to Widows & Orphans so they may become Self Employed through means such as Stitching/Tailoring and Sewing machines.
  • Create a plan to protect children from child labor practices.
  • Attend to basic medical problems of Orphan students.
  • Focus on and take back to schools the Orphan children who have dropped out or have never attended school.
  • In the case there is no school in the village and conditions are conducive, Hidaya may try to start one.

Last update: Tuesday Feb. 3, 2009

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