No Orphan Without Education
Who would deny the orphans?
How We Work
Hidaya Foundation uses Standard Operating Procedures for all of its projects to maintain project implementation quality worldwide, in turn minimizing overhead cost. The Standard Operating Procedure for No Orphan without Education is summarized below:
Step 1:
Hidaya Foundation receives funds from donors.
Step 2:
Central Operations provides a document to District Operations called Scope of Work (SOW) summarizing funding available for the project, goal to achieve etc, based on 5M (Money, Manpower, Material/machines, Method, Mother Nature) and 5W & 1H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How).
Step 3:
Hidaya Foundation’s District and Field Operations run by Hidaya employees and volunteers or partner organizations are advised to document project proposal based on the SOW and a SOP.
Step 4:
Project Proposal is approved by minimum two layers of management and funds are released.
Step 5:
Project is advertised at district or county level through Hidaya formed Student Selection Committees (SSCs), through Hidaya appointed Sector-In-Charges (SICs) at various neighborhoods and via local media.
Step 6:
On the prescribed forms, Student Selection Committees and Sector-In-Charges submit names of deserving Orphans belonging to their neighborhoods. Orphans, due to media advertisement, come directly to Hidaya office.
Step 7:
Hidaya’s team interviews the Orphans and families to evaluate the family’s condition for being a possible candidate for assistance under No Orphan without Education project. If they qualify, separate forms for Orphans and widowed Mother / Guardian are filled.
Step 8:
Hidaya’s team visits Orphans neighborhood and schools to complete the investigation process to make sure Orphans do qualify for the program.
Step 9:
Once qualified and management approval process is completed, the Orphan and widowed Mother / Guardian starts receiving monthly cash stipend as well as in-kind assistance for a minimum of one year. On completion of one year, their case is re-evaluated for any major changes in the family and supported again for another year.
Step 10:
Orphans are provided with essential supplies for receiving a proper education (school admission and exam fee, uniforms, shoes, books, school supplies)
Step 11:
Semi-annual monitoring process is in place where the Orphan submits school grades and Hidaya team meets with the teacher and interviews family. If grades are not good, automatically monthly monitoring triggers and Orphan is watched closely. Regular monthly meetings with teachers take place to evaluate the Orphans progress.
Step 12:
At times Hidaya arranges for tutoring to help improve the grades. Basic Computer and other Vocational training is arranged for the Orphans and Widowed Mother.
Step 13:
Every six months, a Project Completion Report is submitted to Hidaya Foundation. In addition a Project Proposal for the next six months is submitted. The Project Completion Report includes details such as the number of orphans supported, number of widows supported, age of orphans, number of males and females, stipend given each month to Orphans and widowed Mothers, nature and quantity of In-kind assistance, any other technical or vocational training provided, any assistance given from other Hidaya projects such as water hand pump, meeting medical needs of Orphans, Qard-e-Hasana for Self Employment etc.
Step 14:
Every month, a Project Overview is provided. In addition, photos, videos, case studies, and interviews of Orphans, are provided time to time to Hidaya Foundation.