One Million Trees

Save the environment and live healthy

How we Work

How Hidaya Foundation makes sure all projects including One Million Tree is executed successfully?

Hidaya Foundation uses Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all of its projects to maintain project implementation quality worldwide, in turn minimizing overhead cost. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for One Million Tree Project is summarized below:

Step 1: Hidaya Foundation receives funds from donors.

Step 2: Central Operations provides a document to District Operations called Scope of Work (SOW) summarizing funding available for the project, goal to achieve etc, based on 5M (Money, Manpower, Material/machines, Method, Mother Nature) and 5W & 1H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How).

Step 3: Hidaya Foundation’s District and Field Operations run by Hidaya paid employees and volunteers or partner organizations are advised to document project proposal based on the SOW and a SOP if it is a repeated project. In case of a new project, SOP is documented at a later stage after first time project implementation.

Step 4: Project Proposal is reviewed by a minimum of two layers of management and funds are released on approval.

Step 5: Project is advertised at the district or county level through Hidaya formed Student Selection Committees (SSCs) at various schools in the district, via local media, and through Hidaya appointed Sectors In-charge at various neighborhoods and communities.

Step 6: Hidaya’s project managers and team members initiate awareness campaigns by visiting schools and communities, and giving them presentations about the benefits of trees and how to plant trees. In addition, informative brochures translated in local languages are distributed.

Step 7: Based on the interest generated during awareness campaigns, Hidaya team identifies schools and communities where seedlings and seeds will be given.

Step 8: Before selecting an area for plantation Hidaya evaluates the condition of soil, water availability, weather, and cooperation from the local community.

Step 9: In addition, the local forest and agricultural department officials are consulted for the appropriateness of the types of trees to be planted in the area based on local conditions.

Step 10: At each school and community, a team leader and a back up person is selected to ensure that the project is executed appropriately. Every month, the team lead and back up person will also monitor, and report the survival rate of the trees.

Step 11: Schools and communities are asked to begin digging holes for the trees, mix manure with the soil, and replace with new soil if local soil has high or low PH values.

Step 12: Seedlings and seeds are distributed to the schools and communities. Detailed information including the names, date of receipt, and quantity of seeds or seedlings are documented by Hidaya.

Step 13: On completion, the team lead and back up submit complete information to the Project Manager each month to assess the survival rate of trees.

Step 14: Every six months, a Project Report is submitted to Hidaya Foundation. In addition, a Project Proposal for the next six months is submitted. The Project Report includes all details about the project.

Step 15: Every month, a Project Overview is submitted. In addition, photos, videos, case studies, and interviews of beneficiaries are provided regularly to Hidaya Foundation.

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