Featured Projects

Zakat (Obligatory Charity)

Zakat funds are used to support orphans, widows, poor elderly, families in extreme poverty, poor young women for marriage, deserving students, poor…
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Sadaqah (Charity)

Sadaqah is an Islamic term that means voluntary charity – such as a charitable act, charitable giving, or money given in charity with the intention of seeking…
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Fidya (Compensation for Not Fasting)

For those who are unable to fast due to difficulty (elderly, terminally ill, pregnant, breastfeeding etc.), a compensation must be given by…
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Sadaqat-ul-Fitr (also called Zakat-ul-Fitr) is an obligatory charity for every Muslim who possess the Nisab (a minimum amount of wealth); it must be paid before Eid-ul-Fitr…
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Disaster Relief

Currently, Hidaya is sponsoring over 12,000 hot meals daily and up to 25,000 medical patients per month in Gaza under our Palestine Relief project.
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One Million Meals

Every year, Hidaya Foundation strives to provide more than one million meals to those in dire need throughout the world by offering dry ration food packages as…
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Widow/Orphan Support

Hidaya supports nearly 13,000 orphans and 6,000 widows each month in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Guinea, Gambia…
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The prescribed way to make amends for various wrong actions, such as breaking ones fast without an excuse in Ramadan, is Kaffara. Hidaya distributes Kaffara on…
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Sadaqah Meat/Sadaqah Sacrifice

Donate towards providing meat to families in need by sacrificing a whole animal or by giving any amount of your choosing towards
this effort.
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Medical Assistance

Hidaya arranges for examinations and treatments for the vulnerable and in need in localities where we have operations. Also hospital equipment is donated and shipped…
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Clean Drinking Water

To date, Hidaya has installed nearly 13,000 water hand pumps and distributes millions of gallons of water via water tankers every year to benefit hundreds of…
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Small Businesses for the Poor

Hidaya Foundation strongly believes in helping people become financially independent and self sufficient, instead of providing them perpetual assistance…
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Animal Farming

Hidaya provides animals for poor families as a way of sustaining themselves for their own personal food as well as for profit and trade…
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Support Hidaya Schools

Hidaya currently operates schools and tuition centers with over 5,500 students from KG to 8th grade under the Support Hidaya Schools…
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Container Shipment for In-Kind Donations

Hidaya ships 40ft. containers of clothing, shoes, toys and more to the poor of Pakistan. It costs $7,500+ to ship each container…
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