All About Zakat
Given the fact that worldwide poverty is rampant, combined with the realization that the majority of Muslims today don’t properly know how to calculate their Zakat (especially given the new forms of income that were not prevalent in the past), Hidaya Foundation took the challenge to consult with scholars and came up with these materials in order to help Muslims understand this religious obligation and fulfill the rights of the poor. Below are links to useful information about Zakat:
Guide for Calculating Zakat
This booklet was made to help understand the concepts behind Zakat. Link to booklet in Arabic.
Frequently Asked Questions
The most common questions we hear about Zakat have been compiled here with their answers.
Detailed Zakat Information
In question and answer format – the most common concepts relating to Zakat can be found here.
Zakat Videos
Hidaya has prepared some informative videos answering questions about Zakat.
Zakat Calculator
Use our free, functional Zakat calculator to help you calculate how much you should be giving for Zakat.
Zakat Projects
Hidaya Foundation utilizes Zakat funds through our many Zakat eligible projects.
Donate Zakat
Make your Zakat donation easily on our secure website by e-check (preferred) or card.
Featured Projects
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