Social Welfare
Death & life created to test who is best of you in action
Social Welfare
Most of us have been blessed with basic needs of life, whereas poverty is the biggest challenge of developing countries. More than two thirds of the population lives below the poverty line. Majority of the populations do not have the basic amenities of life such as food, clothing and shelter.
Hidaya Foundation serves the poorest of poor in the economically depressed areas of such countries.
Following are the programs we implement to achieve this end:
- Zakat (Obligatory Charity)
- Disaster Relief
- One Million Meals
- Marriage Support
- Widow/Orphan Support
- Container Shipment for In Kind Donations
- Sadaqah (Charity)
- Sadaqah Meat
- Qurbani
- Sadaqat-ul-Fitr
- Fidya
- Aqiqah (Sacrifice) for a Newly Born Child
- Kaffara