Disaster Relief
Support families displaced by catastrophes
How Hidaya is Conducting Relief Work in pakistan
Hidaya Foundation implements all its projects in Pakistan through its sister organization Hidaya Trust (www.hidayatrust.org) which is a registered non profit organization in Pakistan. Hidaya Trust operates in various districts of Pakistan from Abbotabad to Karachi and currently employs 157 full-time and 17 part-time employees. Currently, over 120 of Hidaya Trusts’ employees are working towards Pakistan Flood Relief.
All funds received by Hidaya Foundation are transferred to Pakistan through wire transfer to Hidaya Trust account and spent by Hidaya team towards 4 programs and 30 projects on an on-going basis. No funds are given to any government agencies and less than 2% is given to other non profit organizations (who are involved in specialty work such as cancer treatment or medical emergency treatment which are not performed by Hidaya).