Disaster Relief
Support families displaced by catastrophes
Pakistan Floods
Heavy monsoon rains have once again caused devastation in Pakistan, killing more than 130 people and affecting millions in major cities as well as villages.
There will be great need in the coming days, weeks, months and even years to repair the damages people are currently enduring. At first, people are in need of food distribution to get through this crisis. Later as waters recede, daily wage earners will need help with seed money to get their businesses back up and running, people whose homes were destroyed will need help rebuilding, families of those who have died will need financial support, and many other challenges will remain.
Hidaya Foundation is there for the long haul and through our partner organization Hidaya Trust (whom we’ve been working with for 20+ years), we will continue working towards helping people through this disaster and improving their lives through our many other efforts, in shaa Allah.
Please donate Zakat and Sadaqah towards the disaster relief and ongoing assistance of the region.