One Million Meals

Help feed families in extreme poverty

One Million Meals

Every year, Hidaya Foundation strives to provide one million meals to those in dire need throughout the world by offering dry ration food packages as well as cooked meals.

Dry ration packages are given to poor families as well as survivors of disasters. Though the nature of food supplies vary based on the regions of distribution, a typical, dry ration package consists of rice, wheat flour, lentils, dates, sugar, cooking oil, and soap. Each package is enough to feed a family of about 5 or 6 for a month. Due to buying in bulk, it costs only 50 cents per meal, $50 for 100 meals, or $500 for 1,000 meals.

Cooked meals are also distributed in Ramadan and for disaster relief situations, as well as to children at Hidaya’s schools.  Generally it costs about $1 – $2 for a cooked meal, depending on region.

In addition to the One Million Meals project, Hidaya also helps economically weak families who can not support their children or elderly for their food needs through other projects. For example; meat is given through Aqiqah, Sadaqah Meat and Qurbani; and dry ration is given through Fidya, Kaffara and Sadqat-ul-Fitr.

Fundraisers at Primary Schools:

The One Million Meals Project is an excellent avenue for Elementary School Children to raise funds for while learning valuable lessons. Because it costs just 50 cents per meal, the cost of say a candy bar – children can ponder on the fact that there are other children like themselves in the world who don’t even have a single meal to eat in a day. This understanding would help them to appreciate the blessings they have and activate a desire to go further and do what they can to raise funds for meals for such children in need. Hidaya encourages children to donate small amounts from their pocket money so they may learn the importance of giving. If you would like to organize a fundraiser for the One Million Meals project, please contact us.

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