One Million Meals

Help feed families in extreme poverty

How does Hidaya Foundation provide meals and ensure it is reaching the deserving?


Hidaya Foundation uses Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all of its projects to maintain project implementation quality worldwide, in turn minimizing overhead cost. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for One Million Meals Project is summarized below:

Step 1: Hidaya Foundation receives funds from donors and transfers to various countries recommended by donors for distribution.

Step 2: Central Field Operations (CFO) provides a document to District Operations (DO) called Scope of Work (SOW) summarizing funding available for the project, goal to achieve etc, based on 5M (Money, Manpower, Material/Machines, Method, Mother Nature) and 5W & 1H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How).

Step 3: Hidaya Foundation’s District and Field Operations run by Hidaya employees and volunteers or Partner Organizations are advised to document Project Proposal based on the SOP and SOW with complete execution plan.

Step 4: Project Proposal is approved by minimum of two layers of management and funds are released upon approval.

Step 5: DO or CFO initiates the project execution by issuing Request For Quotation (RFQ) usually to three suppliers for purchasing dry ration. Once quotes are received and analyzed, orders are placed.

Step 6: All the material is bagged and packaged according to project proposal. A typical package includes wheat flour or rice, lentils, dates, dry milk powder, sugar, tea, spices, and cooking oil. At times only rice and cooking oil is distributed for ease of distribution if large populations are supported. On an average a package costs $20 +/- $5

Step 7: While purchasing dept. or district management is arranging supplies, team members visit the communities and register the recipients according to project proposal requirements. Appropriate forms are filled and tokens are issued to all families who will be receiving the packages.

Step 8: Volunteers and local community leaders are informed the date and time of distribution in advance so hundreds of families can be informed and they may reach at distribution location on time.

Step 9: On the day of distribution or a day before supplies are transferred to communities in trucks where distribution is planned. Supplies are stored at a secure place.

Step 10: On the day of distribution all the beneficiaries arriving at different timings are given parcels in exchange of tokens given to them to make sure only previously registered people get the ration packages.

Step 11: On completion of project, Project Completion Report is submitted which includes details such as the number of families supported, what items were distributed in each package, any assistance given from other Hidaya projects such as clothing from Container Shipment Project, etc.

Step 12: In addition photos, videos, real life stories are provided to Hidaya Foundation.

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